12 Surprising Health Benefits of Massage Therapy


Of course, lying in a quiet room in a relaxed atmosphere on a massage table with the lights dimmed, candles burning in the background and the essence of lavender wafting through the warm air seems like the perfect way to end the day on a high, however, the purpose of massages isn’t just for relaxation. It also has many medicinal benefits. The practice of using touch as a method of healing stems from customs and techniques rooted in ancient history. Eastern and Western civilizations have discovered that massage can heal wounds, relieve pain, reduce stress, prevent and cure disease. Massages can even promote the release of accumulated toxins in your body causing many health problems.

Here are the top 12 medicinal benefits of Chronic Pain massages

back pain


Reduces Depression & Anxiety & Fatigue

arthritis pain

Improves posture

Relieves headaches

May Help Lower High Blood Pressure & Improve Blood Circulation

Improve flexibility

Improves athletic performance

Improves ADHD

Help with insomnia

Here are the top 12 medicinal benefits of massage

Chronic Pain

People with chronic pain often turn to massage therapy to naturally improve their quality of life. Massage can increase a person’s serotonin level, which causes the body to naturally reduce pain. About 35% of all people who receive massage experience less pain associated with stiffness, soreness, injury, and chronic health conditions. Massages have been found to effectively relax stiff muscles and joints. Massages also reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic syndrome characterized by widespread pain, joint stiffness, intense fatigue, sleep disturbances, headaches and muscle spasms.

back pain

When the Canadian Medical Association Journal looked at different solutions for chronic lower back pain, researchers found that massage was the most effective treatment for reducing back pain.


Massage therapy has been recommended for diabetes for over 100 years, helping to restore proper insulin use and reducing inflammation.

Reduces Depression & Anxiety & Fatigue

Massage therapy has been shown to help reduce stress, eliminate depression and improve fatigue. Studies have shown that the presence of depression is often triggered by active and chronic pain and that depression alone leads to muscle tension and pain that can be very painful to live with on a daily basis.

arthritis pain

A massage that involves applying gentle pressure to your joints and the tiny pressure receptors under your skin may help ease your arthritis pain. Massage can increase blood flow to your joints and boost your circulation throughout your body, which could help increase your mobility and flexibility.

Improves posture

Sitting in front of a computer all day or standing on your feet enduring an hour of manual labor can cause neck and back strain. This can lead to poor posture. Massages can help the body to reinforce healthy and natural movements. Your muscles can loosen up and relax with a massage and allow your body to settle into a natural posture without pain.

Relieves headaches

Massaging on a regular basis helps relax and de-stress the body. This alternative method significantly reduces the risk of migraine attacks and tension headaches by relaxing muscle spasms and trigger points. It can also relieve pressure from migraine or tension-related headaches. By focusing on the neck, shoulders, and head, massage can lessen the pain and discomfort caused by a migraine or tension headache.

May Help Lower High Blood Pressure & Improve Blood Circulation

Massages can improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, and improve bodily function. Improved blood circulation is part of the chain reaction that occurs in the body as a result of receiving regular massage therapy.

Improve flexibility

Massage can stimulate the production of the body’s natural lubricants to maintain maximum flexibility. By working on muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments and joints, massage can improve your flexibility and range of motion, keeping your joints more fluid and making them less prone to injury.

Improves athletic performance

Certain types of massage, including sports massage, are specifically designed to improve athletic performance. It is common today for athletes to receive massages at arenas or training sites to help establish blood circulation and warm up muscles before a game or event.

Improves ADHD

Massages have been shown to be effective in treating ADHD. In a recent study, teens with ADHD who took ten massage classes for two weeks rated themselves more satisfied than those in comparison who participated in recreational therapy. Researchers found that ADHD patients squirmed less and teachers noticed more active behavior compared to the recreational therapy group.

Help with insomnia

Massage can increase serotonin levels, which can naturally help individuals get a good night’s sleep.

Massages are becoming increasingly popular as people realize the powerful medicinal benefits that massages have to offer. Unlike drugs, massages have no long or short term side effects. Not only does it feel good, but it can improve your health and quality of life.

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